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The Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MOEHE) has seven departments that are under its jurisdiction. These departments include:

· The Department of Curriculum and Learning Resources

· The Department of Educational Guidance

· The Department of Vocational, Technical, and Specialized Education

· The Department of E-Learning and Digital Solutions

· The Department of Early Education

· The Department of Special Education and Inclusive Education 

· The Department of Schools and Student Affairs.


Each department has a distinct mandate. By means of the departments under its supervision, the Educational Affairs Sector endeavors to accomplish the strategic goals of the Ministry of Education and Higher Education; each department prepares its annual operational plans with the aim of accomplishing these strategic goals, and the operational plans detail the procedures each department follows each year to carry out its operational initiatives and the strategic plan's implementation, along with a detailed timeline for putting those plans into action.


The Education Affairs Sector leads the educational and academic system in public schools in the State of Qatar in terms of supervising public education in its various stages and directing it in light of the educational policies, objectives and plans approved by the MOEHE. The Education Affairs Sector also carries out the development, design and review  of curricula  and learning resources, in addition to following up and monitoring the performance  of public schools and verifying their compliance with the policies, regulations and plans issued by the MOEHE, and the sector is keen  to provide advice to public school principals   and teachers regarding all aspects of the educational process while providing the necessary support for the application of policies and procedures of the Ministry of Education and Higher Education

اعدادات الموقع
اعدادات الخط

امكانية الوصول
عرض جميع الاشعارات
مشاهدة الكل